Thursday, January 28, 2016

Showroom snapshots

Here is a peek into what has been keeping us busy in the month of January.
The guys built a new "T"wall for in the baby section so we can make little rooms with the cribs. 
We were so pleased with the accent color we chose for the one wall that we painted another area to exact same color. This picture doesn't quite do the room justice. The Michael's Cherry stain really shines paired with the new blue wall.
We got sheepskin in, and it is making the showroom feeling cozy and more home-y. 

 Stop by and check out the changes for yourself, we'd be happy to hear what you have to stay about the new colors.  
We have at least one other area that will be getting a new color before spring time.

Friday, January 8, 2016

May you be warm and cozy

I'm not typically the type to light the candles in my own home, but when the weather is wet and dreary, sometimes you need to take the extra steps to create cozy spaces the lighten the environment in your home.  
I encourage you to seek out the beauty in the world around you when you are feeling overwhelmed with the bleak coldness of the winter.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Quick Tuesday Tip

When working on decorating, don't forget to add old pieces that add character to your room.

Pictured is the King's Living Room. The old piece paired with a leather couch add so much visual interest that many visitors comment on it. The many different little drawers are filled with lots of little treasures that provide the grandchildren and other visiting children with much entertainment while the adults enjoy each other's company. 
Product list: 
Leather Bentley Couch: Kings Acres
    paired with an old Library catalog holder that was used in the Ebersol Chair shop in the 70s.
Gracious Words Sign:  hand-painted sign available at Metal & Crate
Cotton: King's Homestead
Typewriter and old books: Antiques