Monday, November 28, 2016

Ken's Garden & Terrain

Thanksgiving week the ladies of my husband family took a trip to Terrain and did a bit of shopping in the area. I always fall even more in love with plants when I walk through their showroom, everything is so tastefully arranged.
 The place is an experience. 

and as much as I adore Terrain, 
when I come back home - I feel the need to swing by Ken's Garden.
If you are in the area, you should check them out! They are a small (although not too small) greenhouse with friendly staff and the high quality plants.  
In the winter they do a train display that always has our boys begging to go back to Ken's.
They have their open house the same weekend as King's Homestead and the rest of the Kitchen Kettle Village - so a trip to Lancaster the first weekend in December is a lovely idea. 

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